The square is protected by two large-caliber machine gun posts. The first machine gun post is located opposite your current position. It would be wise to use a scope. Bend down very carefully and kill the enemy soldier by aiming at his head. He must not survive this attack! oynanır
Just around the corner you will meet two or three new enemy units. Most of the rebel soldiers will be standing near a large van. It would be wise to let the rest of your squad take part in these battles. As soon as the enemies leave, go straight ahead. You are approaching a much larger square. You have to be careful here.
It would be nice to escape to the left brick wall. From here, you can kill several other rebel soldiers. One of them will use a machine gun. But be careful. He's not the only one. There is also an enemy sniper. You will also have to kill him.
Do not enter the square, because this sector was not fully protected. If you look at your map, you will be able to spot another sniper. He stands on top of a large building. Kill him. As soon as he leaves, let your people join you. Go south.
Your goal here is to get to the large entrance that leads to the train station. Fortunately, this entrance will not be guarded by any additional units, however, you will probably notice a few red icons to the east. We will deal with this problem soon. Go to the exit, which should be on your left. A small group of enemy units will appear in front of you. Attack them.
I would recommend that you take a closer look at your tactical map so that you know exactly where your opponents are standing. This is very important because it is unlikely that they will move to another place. Do not leave the building. There is one sniper on your left. You have to kill him before you can continue!
Now you will need to start moving between the carrageenan. Along the way, you will kill enemy soldiers. You have to get around them from the back. I would recommend that you start shooting them... in the legs. This will allow you to destroy most of the rebel units. We'll have to kill two more units. You can do this by leaning out carefully.
Once you capture this area, you will be allowed to move to the train station because that's where your allies were defending themselves. You will need to listen to a short dialogue. Once this is done, start moving towards the nearest evacuation area.
As you may have noticed, a pickup truck has arrived here. Your people will automatically take their places. You will need to get into the passenger seat. Press the X key. After that, you will only have to watch a short cut scene. Get ready for the next challenge. Güvenilir bir casino7 Slots